Professional Grants
The WPRA Foundation offers grants to current professionals who might not otherwise be able to attend continuing educational opportunities. Awards are based on the appropriateness of the educational opportunity related to the applicant’s job, financial need, contributions of the applicant to his/her community and to WPRA.
WPRA Conference, Leadership Academy, and Educational Workshops are eligible for grand consideration. In addition, any educational opportunity outside of WPRA will be considered. Grants and scholarships will be awarded based on availability of funds from the WPRA Foundation.
Please review the selection criteria below used to determine award of Professional Grant. Then proceed to the online form at the bottom of the page to submit your application.
Currently a member of WPRA.
Two references - one from applicant’s supervisor and the other from another professional.
Explanation of financial need.
Additional Criteria (1-5 points awarded with 5 being the highest):
Contributions to the applicant’s job and to his/her community.
Demonstrated contributions to the Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association (such as involvement in WPRA sections, committees, board, etc. - contributions within the last 5 years – 4 to 5 points).
Participation summary: reason expressed, presentation, organization, clarity and writing skills.
Appropriateness of the educational opportunity related to the parks and recreation profession for which grant is requested.
Previous grants received in the past years. (If a WPRA grant was received one year ago – 1 point, if two years ago – 2 points, if three years ago – 3 points, for maximum of 5 points).
Educational opportunity is a continuation of a previous program attended (if yes – 1 bonus point).
Application Deadline
There is no application deadline.
Grant applications will be reviewed on a continual basis as submitted. The WPRA Foundation budget is based on a calendar year, with grants awarded on a "first come, first served" basis.